

Biogas is a combustible gaseous fuel that is collected from the microbial degradation of organic matter in anaerobic conditions. Biogas is principally a mixture of methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) along with other trace gases.

Yes it can replace fossil fuels such as LPG. Biogas is the cheapest and cleanliest option as a fuel for cooking, lighting, heating, etc. It is very clean gas and does not generate smoke, hence completely environmental friendly. It is not only an eco-friendly alternative source of energy, but also a means to produce organic manure for enriching our soil.

Any type of kitchen waste which is easily degradable such as cooked waste, flesh of meat, and fish, ripe fruits, vegetables, cakes of non-edible oilseeds, waste grain, seed of any plant species as well as non-marketable or non-edible seeds, rhizomes of bananas, canna, nutgrass, leftover food, spoilt milk.

Yes. The organic waste water generated in the kitchen such as waste water obtained while cleaning rice, fish, meat, etc can be treated. The waste containing chemical, soap and detergent should be avoided.

The quantity of waste to be treated depends upon the size of the plant.

The gas generated from the biogas plant is stored in the gas holder.

Slurry generated from biogas plant is rich manure for the plants and agriculture.

Biogas production can reduce the pollution and carbon footprint. Nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous are conserved in biogas effluents and can be used as fertilizer in crop production.

While combustion of biogas, like natural gas, produces carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas, the carbon in biogas comes from plant matter that fixed this carbon from atmospheric CO2. Thus, biogas production is carbon-neutral and does not add to greenhouse gas emissions. Further, any consumption of fossil fuels replaced by biogas will lower CO2 emissions.

The space required for the installation of a domestic plant is one square meter.

Biogas is lighter than air so any gas leakage will rise upwards unlike LPG. Biogas also has a higher temperature of ignition than other conventional source of energy.

Yes, Peepal Industries biogas plant can be connected with special type of biogas (dual mode) operated engine which will convert biogas into electricity.

The capacity of domestic plants varies from 0.5 Cum to 2 Cum. The plant can be selected according to the availability of food waste.

The life of Peepal Industries plant is 20 years.

With the proper utilization of bio gas and liquid fertilizer the maximum payback period of Peepal Industries biogas plants will be 24 to 36 months.

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